Here's a festive drawing I did yesterday.
Odds are that Father Christmas or Santa
must have some kind of super powers.
A little scribble I did this morning of
a cartoon griffin (mythical creature).
A random flash animation I made a couple of years ago
to test cycles and other adobe flash tools.
I've also added a short sample from a random track I
made on LMMS that sounded robotic, mechanical,
computerised and noisy to me.
Random vector poster made to show off
the rock stance. I found the vectors to be
a bit clean so I added a texture over the top.
A quick and bold water colour painting
with some saturation applied.
This could a book cover for a fantasy
story, but it reminds me of some retro
video game illustrations that were used
for posters and box covers for old
computers like the commodore.
A painted illustration of a Suzuki motorcycle with some
simple vector shapes places in the background.
The background reminds me of the master card logo,
maybe I should try a painted backdrop later.
Original pen drawing on A3.
A made-up drawing of a cathedral that
is being used as a large gatehouse, so
imagine the size of the place at the end
of the path. This drawing was inspired
by some photos that I found of Las
Lajas Sanctuary.
Maybe this could work
as a pub sign?
Drawing in sketch book.
Video of 3D car model on a turntable/ showroom.
A 3D car model made in blender of a 1950s triumph tr2.
I quite like the reflection results that you get from this
software. I might end up using nice model for a car chase
animation or something.
animation made in blender and lmms
A random drawing with an old saying that's been modified.
Original sketch
A random villain often seen late at night stumbling
out of night clubs, best avoided.
Saw a picture of this strange looking
helicopter so I thought that I'll try and
draw it.
Illustration of Morgan Freeman with
added caption taken from the 'Bruce
Almighty' film.
A drawing of a new superhero 'Captain Anti-Matter'.
With the power to produce antimatter that can cancel
out anything in front of him, even gravity, so yeah I
guess he can fly. But such great power can be unstable
resulting in his suit deteriorating over time.
Pen and water colour in sketchbook.
Just because the turtles are cool,
here's a playing card.
A quick pen drawing in a sketch book
and coloured on the computer.
A random drawing based on the character
Mario, but is probably, most likely an
imposter. This is what happens when you
don't pay your plumber for a days work.
I probably wouldn't trust him with my bathroom
but for some crazy fun evolving lots of crazy
characters and bright colours, he's your man.
A random play with vectors inspired by the cannon on
the Arsenal logo. I needed a bit of practice with vectors
because I don't tend to draw much with them, I only use
it for background stuff really.
A poster for Rise of the Planet of the
Apes. I was inspired to do this after
finding a brief from 20th Century Fox.
A Mixture of vectors and painting.
Original sketch done on A3.
Here's attempt number two, I feel
that it has worked a lot better than
the one in the previous post, with
a much larger focus on the illustration.
Whilst playing around with some vectors I came up
with this. The typography is far to grand on here
making the illustrations appear small and hard to see.
Kind of reminds me of a soft drink advert. The next
attempt will have to focus more on the drawings.
Yet another f1 car illustration, I think three is enough
now. This image above is a simple typography
combining image experiment.
Original sketchbook image
A silly cartoon illustrating the things
that a slug secretly enjoys: sun, salty
sea, sand, and beer.
A random experiment to try and recreate a cliché
showroom image. It is probably a little bit overkill for
the simple illustration and makes it appear tacky.
The sketchbook image.

A new F1 season inspired me to
design a F1 poster, but that
might take some time to
draw and paint a few cars.
For the moment here's one car
as a taster.
Scanned from sketchbook.
Seeing how today was April Fools' Day,
I Decided to draw a little character
that might be to blame for all this
fooling. Fool.
A colourful comic style card that
could be left behind by the prankster.
The original sketch book drawing.
Heard Tornadoes being mentioned on the news, so I
decided to do a little drawing.
A quick TransFormers poster inspired
by the old school 80s logos suggesting
to choose your side. The Background is
based on the All Spark Cube.
Just a random play with some Photoshop filters, I know
that they are usually best avoided but I thought I try and
make an interesting texture on top of a photo I took earlier.
Another one day project, after watching an all out
action film I decided to try and make a poster.
This poster features a drawing of Angelina Jolie that
was then coloured in Photoshop. Though it may need
re-drawing because she looks a bit angry
Was listening to some random Viking folkmusic and the lyrics made me want to
draw a Viking, so what better than a
over the top not very historically accurate
cartoon? Throw in a title and there's the
Just a one day project here:
A random album cover art project, basically I started
drawing a dragon and thought I could use it for
something. I quite like the end result of the illustration
but the type and background could do with reworking.
From a SEGA brief to create
a piece of communication
to celebrate 20 years of Sonic.
A simple layout poster that shows the
main character looking ready for the
next 20 years of adventures.
A combination of water colour and
vector drawing/ type.
A couple of thumb nail sketches to get me
started with the poster.
Some random stencil shapes and print making techniques.
Some silhouette shapes that roughly resembleindustrial chimneys (or some rather tall alien
figures?) by sunset.
3 towers at night fall with a blue smoky sky.
Add a few more tower things and add some bubbles
and this suddenly looks like lots of champagne bottles
being opened?
A pen and ink drawing of an old tape deck with
acrylic background and some type on top, trying to
create a music vibe.
I Decided to try a little project that was linked toclassic cars, interesting locations, and a bit of
adventure, so the obvious thing was something
James Bond based.
These were a quite photo montage that I created to
allow me to play with colours and get a basic layout.

The photo layouts inspired a painting.
Add a few lines here 'n' there and I get something that
roughly looks like a possible poster.
and as an added bonus all the left over bits 'n' bobs
seemed to make a nice looking banner, with a
blood splatter and an old school magnifying spy glass.